Category: Income Tax Form 16 Part B in new format

Exemptions and Deductions under the Old Tax Regime-A Guide for the Financial Year 2023-24 with Automatic Income Tax Preparation Software in Excel All in One for the F.Y.2023-24

Introduction Exemptions and Deductions under the Old Tax Regime-A Guide for the Financial Year 2023-24. In the complex realm of taxation, Therefore, understanding exemptions and deductions is crucial for every taxpayer. The financial year 2023-24 brings with it a set of rules that dictate how individuals can reduce their taxable income. In other words,  In this […]

Tax Exemption in different sections of Income Tax for the F.Y.2023-24 for the Old Tax Regime with Auto Calculate Income Tax Preparation Software in Excel All in One for the Non-Govt Employees for the F.Y.2023-24 and A.Y.2024-25

 Tax Exemption in different sections of Income Tax for the F.Y.2023-24 for the Old Tax Regime | A tax exemption is a benefit granted by the government to individuals or organizations to exempt some or all of their income from taxation. As per the Income Tax Act exemptions are provided under different sections in India. Including Sections 80C, 80D, 80E, 80G, and 80GG. These sections […]

Save tax on Income for the A.Y.2023-24| With Automated Income Tax Preparation Software in Excel for the Govt and Non-Govt Employees for the F.Y.2022-23

Save tax on Income for the A.Y.2023-24|For most people, paying income tax at the end of the tax year  is a difficult task. Much of the fuss revolves around scheduling insurance, rent, and other receipts in  such a way as to result in the lowest tax liability possible. Therefore, Income tax planning doesn’t have to be […]

Standard deduction from salary and pensions| With Automated Income Tax Preparation Excel-Based Software All in One for the Govt and Non-Govt Employees for the F.Y.2022-23

Standard deduction from salary and pensions| Accordingly, A standard deduction means a fixed deduction for people who receive wages or retirement income. It was introduced in the 2018 budget in lieu of exemptions from travel expenses and reimbursement of various medical expenses. In the 2021-22 tax year, the default deduction limit is Rs 50,000. In this guide, we’ll cover what […]

How to save on salary taxes | With Autofill Income Tax Software All in One in Excel for the Govt. and Non-Govt Employees for the F.Y.2022-23 with Form 10 E

 How to save on salary taxes | You enter the ninth cloud as your bank balance grows. But you know  who else is excited to see their money grow? No, not to mention your family. This is the Department of  Income Tax. Whether it’s payroll tax or corporate income, no one likes to give away a portion of their […]

Section 80D – Health Insurance – Applicability, Discounts and Policies | With Automatic Income Tax Calculator for Government and Non-Government Employees Fiscal Year 2022-23 as per Budget 2022

 Section 80D – Health Insurance – Applicability, Discounts and Policies |  Medical emergencies always  surprise us. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, and it’s no different from health insurance. Therefore,  Most residents in India are not covered by health insurance and rely on their savings or loans in case of a medical emergency. In other words, A must […]

Interest deductions on Home loans – Section 24b | With Automated Income Tax Preparation Excel Based Software All in One for the Govt & Non-Govt Employees for F.Y.2022-23

 Interest deductions on home loans – Section 24b Introduction Section 24b of the Income Tax Act allows for deducting home loan interest from taxable income. The loan must be taken out for the purchase or construction or repair or rebuilding of homeownership. Therefore, This deduction is allowed on an accrual basis, not for remuneration. In other words, the […]

Income Tax exemption to the disabled person Section 80U | With Auto Fill Income Tax Master of Form 16 for the F.Y.2021-22 as per Section 115 BAC

Income Tax exemption to the disabled person Section 80U is given tax deductions for Therefore,   those who have at least 40% disability under the law. There are several criteria for this and a specific  In other words, Set of procedures for claiming this deduction under section 80U. However, Section 80U deals with tax deductions for residents of India who are classified as disabled under government regulations. […]

Highlights of Budget 2022 | With Automatic Income Tax Form 16 + Arrears Relief U/S 89(1) + Automatic Income Tax Preparation software All in One in Excel for the F.Y.2021-22

  Highlights of Budget 2022. No change latest income tax slab rates for F.Y 2022-23 & A.Y 2023-24  after Budget 2022. There are any changes in the income tax rates applicable to individuals? Let’s see the details. In this post, my focus is to share with you the latest Income Tax Slab Rates and applicable Security Transaction […]

Income Tax benefits from Medical Insurance U/s 80 D | With Automatic Income Tax Preparation Software in Excel for the Govt & Non-Govt Employees and Master of Form 16 Part B for the F.Y.2021-22

 Income Tax benefits from Medical Insurance U/s 80 D | The Income Tax Act, 1961, allows personal  income tax deduction by reducing the amount of tax payable. It is important to know the relevant  sections to make the most of these deductions. Therefore, What is section 80D?  In other words, Section 80D of the Income Tax […]

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