Category: Medicine of Coronavirus?

Difference between new income tax regime with old tax regime , With Automated Income Tax Software All in One for Non-Govt (Private) Employees for F.Y.2020-21 and A.Y.2021-22 with New Section 115BAC as per Budget 2020

Budget 2020 has introduced a new income tax system for individual taxpayers. However, for the option of such discounted duty, the taxpayer will be required to deduct certain specific deductions. These include a standard rebate of Rs 50,000, a rebate of Rs 1.50 lakh under Section 80C and interest on the self-occupied property of Rs […]

New Format of Form 16 for A.Y. 2019-20 With Automated Income Tax Master of Form 16 Part B for F.Y. 2019-20

The CBDT or Central Board of Direct Taxes has notified a new format for Form 16. This requires the break up of the Tax-Exempt Allowances paid to the employee and also of all tax breaks claimed by them. In the previous format allowed the companies to give consolidated figures or break-up in different formats for both, […]

Download Automated All in One TDS on Salary for Govt & Non-Govt Employees for F.Y. 2020-21 & A.Y. 2021-22 and Choose Which is the best option How to calculate income tax?

Process of Income tax calculation for the Salaried Persons for F.Y. 2020-21 As per Budget 2020 Income from salary is the sum of Basic salary + HRA + Special Allowance + Transport Allowance + any other allowance. Some components of your salary are exempt from tax, such as telephone bills reimbursement, leave travel allowance. If […]

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